Supers - Ex Heroes Read online

Page 10

  “What the fuck is this Oram you keep talking about?” I shouted, just wanting something to shout about. They were right, of course they were. But I wanted to fight, to be part of this. Not run away.

  “It’s the sun,” she said, backing off slightly. “The sun that gives us powers.”

  I nodded. In a way, that made sense. If they figured they got their powers from the radiation or whatever other effects from their sun, some of them might have taken to worshiping it, or at least holding it to some mythical value.

  We were standing there, all staring each other down when shouting erupted from the other side of the wall and the metal lit up, melting.

  “Move it,” Twitch hissed, already clearing a way for us in the other direction. “Back to my base, where we regroup, then we make for the Orange District.”

  “You know where it is?” I asked.

  She nodded, then assessed me before stepping through the next hole. With a pink screen, she quickly analyzed me and then made a change, grinning. “Try that.”

  “Try what?”

  “Ask where it is, and my base,” she said. “Pull up your screen as if you were assessing someone at the same time.”

  “I don’t…” I started to say, but tried it and froze, excited. In front of me where the info screen came up was the same style of screen, but now it was a map with a blip that showed where I was.

  “We can’t stop,” Charm said, cloaking at my side and pushing me through, as the wall behind us gave way to the enemy.

  Five of them appeared, one shooting a beam of orange our way that hit the metal as it closed behind us. A movement in the shadows and then one of them was standing at my side, and even as I resisted, he had me.

  More shadows moved and they had me, but I broke free and ran, not knowing where I was. Cackling followed, and then two of them were behind me, walking briskly like one of those horror movies where no matter how fast you run, the baddies seem to catch up with you just by walking.

  I was in a strange room, ducking into a side closet and then breaking through to more hallways, but they always seemed not far back, as if taunting me. It didn’t make sense! I had no idea how I’d gotten here or where the ladies were.

  And then I was at a dead end. It was over. They were about to walk over and slice me to bits or enter my dreams and suck me through a bed and leave a spewing geyser of blood. I had no idea what was coming, but it would be horrible. I pressed myself against the wall, knowing that at any minute they’d come around that corner, see me, and I’d be in deep shit. They had superpowers and I had… the ability to scan people. With a sigh, I closed my eyes, waiting, hating myself for getting into this situation.

  “What the fuck?” a voice said, and I opened one eye a slit to see them staring right at me. Had I pissed myself or something? Why the reaction?

  “Dead end,” the other guy said, eyes staring right at me, then moving to the corners of the dead end. They had to be messing with me. At any minute, I’d have my skin melted off or eyeballs frozen, I knew it. Only, they were turning back toward the next corridor, leaving me behind.

  They had actually walked off! No “Just joking,” or anything like that, no “April fool” or whatever the equivalent here was. Nothing.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes, but even more so when I glanced down and finally understood why. First thing I noticed was that there was no sign of me pissing myself. Good. Second was that, while I wasn’t invisible or cloaked in the same way Charm could do, I looked exactly like the gray wall behind me, even my hands. When I moved away from the wall the camouflage vanished. Stepped up to the wall, there, away, gone.

  Whatever this was, it was amazing.


  After seeing what my new camouflage power did, my next thought was wondering what else it would work on. I inched along the passage, glancing around the corner to ensure they were gone, then moved back along the corridor. Occasionally I would stop at walls and grin as my body automatically matched whatever I pressed up against in a hiding fashion.

  But I couldn’t celebrate yet, because for all I knew Charm and Twitch could be dead. My map led me back to the hideout, and I ran in, fearing the worst. It was a beautiful sight, seeing them standing there, arguing.

  “He’d still be here if you’d held onto him,” Charm was saying. “And if you hadn’t left us in the first place!”

  “I keep saying, I never left!” Twitch countered. “I’m telling you, it was me blowing on your tail, me who opened the wall to save him. Don’t you—”

  “Guys,” I said, but neither seemed to hear me, they just kept arguing. “GUYS!” I shouted, and then stepped up to the wall, wishing to be hidden.

  “Breaker?!” Twitch asked as she turned my way, eyes narrowing when she couldn’t see me. “Breaker…?”

  I waved, and she jumped at that, startled.

  “Right here,” I said, calmly, not too loud.

  “What… what’s happening right now?” Charm asked.

  “He’s a real super now,” Twitch said, pleased. “Our boy’s all grown up, gotten himself a power.”

  Charm watched as my skin and clothing returned to normal, then ran to me, throwing her arms around my neck and kissing me firmly. When she released me, her face was wreathed in smiles. “How the hell did you get out of there?”

  “This,” I replied, gesturing to the wall. “I don’t understand, but… it happened, and they didn’t see me.”

  Twitch cleared her throat, nodded, and said, “It’s good to have you back.”

  I raised an eyebrow. That’s all I was getting from her? Really? With a chuckle, I brushed it off as Twitch being Twitch, and pulled Charm back in for a tight embrace. It was damn good being back, especially since I’d thought I was a dead man.

  “What’d I miss?” I asked.

  “Nothing,” Twitch said. “Charm took out two of them, just using her speed and strength, and I used my disappearing floor trick on one. Overall, it was a bust though. Good thing I gave you that map. I wasn’t sure if you’d meet us back here though.”

  “Having powers can be pretty awesome,” I said, beaming. “Though, it sure would be nice to be able to shoot laser blasts or whatever the hell those other guys were using, Or travel through shadows… make black holes appear.”

  Twitch arched an eyebrow at me, then turned away.

  “It wasn’t a total bust,” Charm said. “When I was cloaked, I got some intel. Less than twenty-four hours… that’s how long we have until Ranger arrives. They need to have this place secured by then, or he’s going to go ape-shit on them.”

  “That’s something, at least,” Twitch said, nodding and turning back to us. “They’ve probably cleared out by now, after Plasma and the Big Guy did their thing.”

  “You’re not worried that the enemy overtook them?” I asked.

  “Not in the slightest.” She looked at me in deep thought. “We can go a round-about way to the Orange District, but… let me just check something before we go.” Her screens went up and she scrolled through, typed, then pulled up more, looking at me. With a sigh, she said, “Can you do that thing you did before, where you analyzed me, but on yourself?”

  How she knew what I’d done came as a bit of surprise, but I nodded and gave it a try. Willing to see my own stats again, the screen came up and I stared, confused, surprised, and a bit excited.

  “It’s different, isn’t it?” she asked.

  It certainly was. It said: Level: Three. Special Powers: Camouflage. Notes: Nothing to mix at the moment. I also noticed a More option, so selected it by pressing my finger in the sky, which I imagined looked weird to them, since they couldn’t see the screen.

  Stats popped up! And I don’t mean more information, I mean actual stats, including a bar of percentage points that showed I was only five percent toward the next level. My best guess was that the biotech suit would adjust as I leveled up, helping me move faster and stronger, along with making other adjustments for balance. It sounded pretty stupid
to me, considering the fact that they wanted me to help here, to be part of saving the galaxy—yet wouldn’t give me full access to my powers? If this was some sort of stupid power coming with responsibility thing, I’d… I’d…. Well, there wasn’t much I could do. But I didn’t like it. I wanted full access now.

  An “I” was in the corner, so I pushed it. The following message popped up: This is all part of your test, to see if you are worthy to become an elder, the text at the bottom said. When you’ve leveled up and unleashed your full potential, we’ll know you’re ready and you may accept your seat in the Citadel. If not, you’ll be dead.

  “Morbid,” I muttered, gulping.

  “Talk to us, Breaker,” Twitch said.

  “I guess there’s more power, but this Xin guy doesn’t fully trust me?” I said, then explained the message I’d read, and the points.

  “How many skill points did it say you have?” Charm asked, excitedly.

  “What?” Twitch asked. “You’ve heard of this before?”

  Charm beamed. “Oh, something you don’t know? Hmm, so you know how to give blowjobs, and I know about leveling up. Funny.”

  “What’s funny is my fist knocking out your teeth,” Twitch replied. “Talk.”

  “Rumors, about the way of the Citadel,” Charm said. “Some girl I went to the academy with kept going on about this guy she was fooling around with, told me all these stories about how he liked it in the butt, called it—”

  “Focus,” Twitch reminded her.

  “Right, well he would tell her about tests at the Citadel, how they trained their warriors, and yeah, sounded similar is all. And they’d get skill points to focus their training on paths that made the most sense for them. You know, playing up their strengths and all that.”

  Twitch looked thoughtful, then turned back to me. “Check to see if there are some numbers that aren’t accounted for, or maybe with an ‘S’ next to them.”

  I did and, sure enough, there was an ‘SP’ at the top of the second screen. “I’d just assumed SP meant spell points,” I admitted. “I was hoping that meant I’d learn a spell, get some mana…”

  “This isn’t a game,” Twitch chided me. “We don’t have magic.”

  “I’m not sure I see a big difference, honestly.”

  “Shut up. See what you can do with the points.”

  Looking back at the screen hovering in front of me, I selected SP. My mouth dropped as a diagram appeared. Only the lines showed, no words or symbols or anything. Like they were waiting to be written in. “This is so fucking epic…”

  “Tell us.”

  “It looks like I only have two skill points,” I said, checking out the screen, “I guess one for each new level I’ve attained. And… this first path has to do with this camouflage ability.” I scrolled down, seeing options related to increasing the time it would stay, materials as well. Others said they’d give me the ability to move while camouflaged, or allow extra strength and damage from strikes while hidden.”

  “But I can move when cloaked,” Charm pointed out. “Why go to all this trouble, when your power is pretty much like mine, only with limitations?”

  “And why do they do it like this?” I asked. “I mean, like a game.”

  “Most likely,” Charm answered, grinning as she always seemed to when she had the answers, “whatever hero made this possible had the powers to do it however they pleased but felt this would be easiest to grasp for your mind.”

  “You’re kinda smart sometimes,” Twitch said as if that was a compliment. Charm nodded, apparently accepting it as such. Twitch looked at me, thoughtfully. “I’m not sure that’s his power.”

  “I just told you—”

  “I know you were able to do it,” she cut me off. “But I think it’s just a manifestation of your power.


  “Well, you have a similar power to Charm, right?”

  I nodded, then leaned back as she suddenly came toward me. She paused, tucked her green hair behind her ear, and smiled. “Mind if I try something?”


  “Great. I mean, you’ll love it, and it’ll teach us something. It’s just… Oh, fuck it.” She hesitated, glanced back at Charm, and then said, “Can you get him started again?”

  “Get me started? What do you mean?” I looked back and forth between the two of them, confused, but Charm had caught on right away, apparently, because she now leaned in too, grinning wide. “Oh, this is going to be a lot of fun.”

  “Sorry,” Twitch said, shrugging. “I’m just not the foreplay type, and this really is necessary. For science. Maybe for our survival.”

  I still didn’t quite follow, not until Twitch knelt and yanked down my pants again. As I really hadn’t been expecting this and—having just been running for my life—wasn’t exactly in the mood, I pulled back, embarrassed for my limp dick to be flopping out there for them both to see.

  “Ah, it’s so cute like this,” Charm said, nuzzling it with her nose.

  “I’m a grower, not a shower,” I said, cringing at my own cliché. But dammit, it was true. And even though they’d both seen it hard, this was embarrassing.

  “Give it a minute,” Twitch said. “It’ll catch up.”

  “I don’t know what’s going on here, but you can’t just… Ahhh.” Charm had taken my entire limp dick in her mouth and was moving it around with her tongue, and damn that felt great.

  “You were saying?” Twitch asked, and as I stood there, my cock slowly growing in one woman’s mouth, the other started to seductively remove her shirt. Unlike Charm’s nice, perky but slightly on the small side breasts, Twitch had more than a handful each. Much more. As she stood there, shirt off and hair pulled back to let me see her beauty, my cock hit full salute.

  Charm gagged, had to pull back slightly, and then turned to see Twitch’s breasts with a look of surprise.

  “Oh, wow,” Charm said, then gave me a grin. “Looks like we got her.”

  “As I said,” Twitch stepped forward, taking one of my hands and placing it awkwardly on her right breast, “it’s for our survival. You’ll understand when we’re done here.”

  “Done?” I gulped.

  She nodded and glanced down, then frowned. I got the message, starting to caress her breast, and Charm took a step back, watching with curiosity and glee. Seeing that Twitch was into this, I stepped closer, still feeling odd with my cock out like that, but when I bent over and kissed the bottom of her breast, she closed her eyes and breathed deep. I traced it with my tongue, up to her nipple, which I circled before taking the whole areola in my mouth. My tongue flicked her nipple and she reached out, rubbing her hands through my hair. Next, she pulled my head up to her neck, which I kissed before moving on to her mouth.

  “No,” she said, turning away, and then motioned to the floor. “Lie down.”

  I glanced at Charm and she smiled and gave me a nod of encouragement. My own cheerleader, I thought with a chuckle, and went to it, lying on my back, my cock fully erect and exposed.

  “Now,” Twitch said as she wiggled out of her pants, “I want to make this very clear. No emotions, okay? This is for—”

  “Science, I get it,” I said, staring up with anticipation. My back arched with desire at the sight of her standing there, fully nude. Surprisingly, the hair between her legs matched the green on her head, only darker.

  When she stepped over me, I saw the crack of her pussy and tried to lift myself up to kiss her thighs, but she put a hand on my chest, pushed me back down, and straddled me.

  “It’s been a while,” she said. “So… just… yeah.”

  “Should I jump in here?” Charm asked, and I turned my head to see that she was leaning over me, way closer than I thought she’d be. “Or just watch still?”

  “Watch,” Twitch said. “Or, touch him if he wants you to. I don’t care.”

  Charm bit her lip and looked at me as if waiting for permission, and I nodded. This was all so weird, I didn’t
really have a clue what was happening. So she pulled up my shirt and started rubbing her hands along my chest and abs, really just using it as an excuse to get closer and watch as Twitch leaned into me, her breasts almost touching Charm’s face, and then her moist pussy was on me. I could feel her hairs on my abs, and she pushed back, finding my cock, and then started to slide it in.

  She shuddered and let out a moan, then leaned back—large breasts fully in my face. Charm’s nails dug into me as she watched this, then moved down to my pubic hair and twirled it as Twitch moved herself up and down on me, moaning, working it inch by inch, slowly getting herself used to it.

  “Very good growing there,” Charm said, cheering me on again. “Look at that girth, I mean—”

  “Shut up!” Twitch said, and Charm pulled back, hand to her mouth, and grinned, giving me a thumbs up. This lady was crazy, but I kinda liked the whole playful attitude thing.

  There I was, getting ridden by a beautiful supervillain, another watching, and I still had no clue why this was happening. For science and survival, yeah, but how that made sense, I couldn’t wait to find out.

  “I’m just not sure… if you need to cum… or I do, or… if it matters at all.” Twitch was moving faster now, and suddenly pushed Charm aside as she lurched forward, eyes closed and mouth open. She was going faster, faster, faster.

  I rolled my head back and saw Charm had her shirt up, one hand caressing her own breasts. Her other hand went to her mouth and she sucked on her finger while I watched, then she reached down and slid her hand down inside her pants.

  Twitch started yelping now, softly, not so loud that anyone outside those walls would hear, but definitely getting into it.

  “For… science,” she groaned, and then grunted and wrapped her arms around me before rolling, taking me with her so that I was on top growling, as she moaned, “Fuck me! Fuck me!”

  I was stunned, it was so unlike her, but her eyes challenged me to disobey, so fuck her I did. She pulled her legs up over my shoulders and I grabbed her thighs, going to town on her, thrusting with everything I had, and Charm was there, licking her lips at me and fingering herself, mound exposed as her pants were pressed down, tail wagging—a fact that I quickly diverted my attention away from, and then Twitch slapped me!