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Supers_Ex Gods_A Sexy Romp Page 18

  “Hey, I’m up for the adventure if you are,” I leaned over and took her hand.

  Threed had apparently heard the last part of the conversation, because she lifted her glass and said, “To the next part of our adventure!”

  The other three smiled and raised their glasses. After the drink, I realized I’d had enough, so excused myself to shower and head back to the room I’d be using. No, nobody followed me into the shower, and I was glad for it. My super soldier was swollen, having done his job for this mission and then some. A little rest couldn’t hurt, and then I’d wake up, ready to do whatever needed doing. Or whomever.

  As I dried, I brought up my levels and skill points, grinned sleepily at the new skill point, and added the shield-piercer attack. It didn’t matter now… but I was sure it would come in handy in the near future. That taken care of, I wandered back to my room as my mind raced with all of the memories of that battle. It had been glorious. One I could be proud of.

  My room wasn’t big—just a bed and a curved wall that went over my head, and it reminded me of sleeping in a closet under the stairs. Not something I’d done much of, but a distant memory recalled something like this from my youth when I’d still been moving around in foster homes. Those days were long gone. Among these strange people, these supers, I’d found my home at last.

  The pillow was firm enough to give me support like I preferred, and I was just starting to close my eyes when the door slid open. Sakurai and Sacrada entered, eyeing me with curiosity. I sat up, trying to not be rude, but my head was already dozy and my attention unfocused.

  “Hey,” I said.

  “My sister never had a chance to properly thank you,” Sacrada said. “But just to be clear, I don’t mean with sex. This whole thing, it’s been too weird.”

  “I actually wanted to, but she talked me out of it,” Sakurai said with a shrug. “So instead… Thank you.” She laughed. “What do you think? Did that feel better than some good ol’ fucking?”

  I grinned. “Believe me, as much as I’d love to get with both of you, or either of you, whatever, I’ve had enough sex lately to last me until I die. Or at least until tomorrow.”

  “We’re not ruling it out,” Sacrada said, her tongue subconsciously moving along her upper lip as she seemed to be lost in thought for a moment. “Just not using it as a way of saying thanks.”

  “Oh?” She had my attention.

  “We’re coming on the mission, we’ll fight off whatever Ranger sends our way,” Sacrada said. “And if along the way either of us decides we’d like to sleep with you, we will.”

  “Assuming I’ll have you,” I replied with a grin.

  “Yeah, okay,” Sacrada chuckled as she turned and left.

  Sakurai lingered, a finger going to the edge of her mouth so she could bite it. “You know, I really want to. But she’d be so mad at me. Rain check?”

  “I accept your raincheck for sex,” I said. “As weird as that is.”

  “Okay.” She gave me a wide grin and then spun on her heel in a way that caused her skirt to fly out and give me a nice view of her ass and her bright pink panties. Now I was starting to regret not trying to seduce her, but even at that thought my cock moved, rubbing against my pants. It hurt. A gentle reminder that it had been way overused lately.

  At the moment, I only wanted to use it to take a piss. Then I was pretty sure I’d take a nice, long nap. As far as I knew, I’d been awake for way too long, and that hype energy could only keep me going so long.

  “Lamb,” I said, forgetting she wasn’t there anymore. When no response came, it hit me, and I smiled, hoping she was in a better place. Still, I finished my thought. “Good night.”

  With that, I stumbled to the bathroom, let it out, and then hit the lights before falling into bed and letting sleep take me.

  My dreams were of Earth, of an evening long ago when I’d met up with Chad and our adoptive parents, and been pleasantly enjoying each other’s company, chatting and laughing. Nothing special about it, just a normal, pleasant evening. How foreign that concept seemed now.

  At some point in the night, a finger pressed to my lips, waking me, and Navani’s glowing blue eyes were there, not far from mine.

  “I wanted you… all to myself,” she said, and in my sleepy, dazed state she rode me. It was simple, it was pleasant. It was as it should be when two people feel that special connection. Somehow, this woman could still experience such an act with me regardless of everything and everyone else.

  When it was over, she came first, then me, and I felt the grogginess fading, just as hers seemed to be starting to arrive.

  I pressed my head onto her breasts, aware that they were damp but not sure if it was from my sweat or hers. With a long moan, I turned onto my back and lay there, panting, staring up at the curved ceiling.

  Her hand found my still mostly hard cock and held it, tenderly. Even that soft touch sent an aftershock through my body.

  “Trying to get me ready for round two?” I asked.

  She leaned up on her elbow, hand moving to my balls and caressing them as if they were the most tender silk. “There’d be no need. There hadn’t really been for this one, but I wanted to.”

  My eyes went wide. The smile that spread across her face was answer enough, but she said, “I knew it before, at the ruins. There was no doubt, the way you were pulsing in me, so huge, so…” A chill went down her spine, and she shivered. “If that didn’t get me pregnant… Well, according to the ship’s scanner, chances are very high. We don’t know for sure yet, but will soon.”

  “So… we did it? We actually did it.” I lay back and closed my eyes, but a worry washed over me. “I—I’m going to miss you.”


  “I mean,” I opened my eyes to see if I could read her expression. “Unless you’re coming too? I just figured, since you basically have to go back to the Citadel and raise the child, teach him the ways.”

  She laughed. More of a giggle. “Oh, Drew… you silly Earther. Wait, you don’t know?”

  I sat up now, my mouth going dry at the look of worry in her eyes. “Know what?”

  “Fuck. I thought I told you. Remind me to bitch slap someone for this. Okay, here’s the thing. Now that I might be pregnant, which I’m going to bet is the case, it’s just about to get interesting.”

  “Morning sickness?”

  She laughed. “We all wish. No, now it’s like there’s a tracker in me. All of the bad guys who want to see to it that Earth was never created will be after me. Us.”

  “I’m not leaving your side,” I said in realization, “because I’m going to stay and help defend you.”

  She beamed, nodding. “Because you’re going to stay and help defend me.”

  Licking my lips as I processed this, I stood. Glancing back at her nude form lying there on her side, her perky breasts, I took a deep breath.

  “No need to salute me,” she said with a smile as my cock rose to full mast again. “A simple ‘yes’ will suffice.”

  Smiling, I crawled back into bed and straddled her, then said, “Yes,” before moving in for round two. No reason not to be safe, and after all, with everything coming our way, I wasn’t sure how much longer I would be alive.

  So yeah, I’d get seconds no matter how exhausted I was. I’d fight for her, and not just because she held the fate of her galaxy and mine in her womb.

  She was kind. She was hot as hell. And she was mine. Hell, I might die, but oh well.

  She was so fucking worth it. They all were.


  Author Ramblings

  Book 1 in the Ex Gods series is done! How exciting. In case you weren’t aware, this isn’t exactly a book 2 from my SUPERS: EX HEROES series, but is in the Supers universe. That means I’m planning an Ex Heroes 2, which will be next, then Ex Gods 2. I hope you’ve had time to read them all before the next books come out! Ex Heroes follows the younger brother, Chad (AKA Breaker) in his journey, with his own set of weird powers, while Ex Go
ds follows the older, more jock/military brother, Drew. I might even have other ‘future Elders’ pop up in a new series eventually because it fits the model.

  Where did this story come from? Originally, I was considering doing a massive sort of LitMMO project, where it would be a more gamelit style than it is right now. I would bring in other authors to do other characters, while doing my story and a prequel to get things rolling. The problem is, I’ve managed projects like this before and they are a huge timesuck. Basically, instead of writing, I would have to be managing all of that. I’m a writer, not a project manager, so I decided to do most of it myself. I might have one other author do one—not as a ghost writer, but as himself—but otherwise, it’s just me.

  Oh, did you catch the woman at the beginning, with the golden glowing skull? Her story was going to be the prequel, and I even have a cover for it! Thing is, it wouldn’t fit so smoothly into the genre of these other books, or with the brand of Jamie Hawke, so I’m still torn on that. If you think it would be cool to have a prequel from a female point of view—sort of a Spawn meets Deadpool type story—let me know! It could still happen.

  Can I ask a favor? If you enjoyed this book, please go leave a review. Readers from the genre seemed to have enjoyed Ex Heroes 1, but when others who aren’t familiar picked it up, they weren’t sure what to think so reviews suffered. It would be great if all of you lovers of the genre could show your support via reviews. It’s also a way to vote for what book you liked and which books should get sequels sooner. If it performs well and has great reviews, I’ll know you all want more.

  I also love hearing from you all! Find my Facebook group and join me in chatting about this story and others. What did you like most? What didn’t work for you? Let’s discuss.

  Thank you again for reading!

  Jamie Hawke

  I’m super excited and hope you’ll follow me on Facebook and Amazon (Click here and then ‘Follow’ under my name/pic). That way, you won’t miss it! It’s probably my best work ever.

  Thank you again, and I look forward to hearing from you!

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  Don’t miss the brother’s story! If you are curious what happened to Drew’s brother, Chad and want to check it out, read SUPERS: EX HEROES.

  Super powers. Super harem. Super awesome.

  Contains Adult Content. Seriously.

  Who in their right mind tells both his lawyer and the judge presiding over his murder trial, “Fuck you!” while still in the courtroom? No one, right? Yeah, you’d be wrong about that. I did.

  You’d say the same thing if you were just found guilty of a murder you didn’t commit, though. Call me crazy for going off like that in court, but trust me, you don’t know crazy until you see what happened next.

  I never believed in superheroes. I certainly didn’t believe that I’d become one, or that strategically forming a harem of hot chicas and getting down with them to unlock my superpowers would be the key to my survival.

  Did I say my survival? I meant the universe’s. No, really...that’s exactly what happened when I was taken to a galaxy of supers, thrown into a prison ship full of villains, and told it was up to me to stop them all.

  Read on, friend, because it gets a whole hell of a lot crazier from here.


  Did you see the references to Planet Kill in the book and wonder what that was? It’s not a real planet that I know of, but it is a real book! You can grab book one and two on Amazon!

  Grab PLANET KILL now!

  Form your harem. Kill or be killed. Level up and loot. Welcome to Planet Kill.

  Pierce has his mission: survive by killing and getting nasty, doing whatever it takes to find his lost wife and others who were abducted and forced to participate in the barbarity that is Planet Kill. In a galaxy where the only way to rise up in society and make it to the paradise planets is through this insanity, he will be up against the most desperate, the most ruthless, and the sexiest fighters alive.

  Because it's not just a planet--it's the highest rated show around. Contestants level up for kills, get paid for accepting violent and sexual bids, and factions have been made in the form of harems.

  His plan starts to come together when he meets Letha, one of the most experienced warlords on the planet. She's as lethal as they come and a thousand times as sexy. He's able to learn under her, to start to form his own harem.

  Only, being her ally means fighting her wars.

  It's kill or be killed, level up fast and put on the show the viewers want all while proving to Letha and her generals that he has what it takes to be one of them. The alternative is death, leaving his wife to her fate of being hunted by monsters.


  "They've taken Mortal Kombat meets Hunger Games and thrown a layer of debauchery on it. Brilliant!"

  More blood, sex and death as one man fights against a deathly conspiracy—and one woman seeks justice.

  He’s forming his harem and is now a major player on Planet Kill. As Pierce makes his moves to cement his hold on power here, he continues his mission to escort forced volunteers off planet. Only, along the way he discovers a much broader conspiracy: one which threatens the nature of humanity.

  She has her harem but is on the way up and out. She plans to ascend to Planet Paradise Fourteen, where she will finally have her revenge. If only this planet were everything it appeared to be on the surface, instead of the golden-framed and crystal-distorted mirror image of Planet Kill.

  Supers: Ex Heroes - SAMPLE


  “Guilty?” I said, then turned to my lawyer, Jorge, unable to comprehend what was happening. “Did he just say guilty?”

  Jorge leaned in and whispered, “Now, Chad… don’t make it worse.”

  “Worse than guilty for murder?” I asked, my heart thudding in my ears. “Fuck you!” I turned to the judge, already wishing I wasn’t saying the words as they left my mouth, but unable to stop it from happening, “And fuck you too!”

  This wasn’t happening. I wasn’t standing here, shouting at a judge and my lawyer, cussing them out while the jury that had just decided my fate watched on. Only it was, and now those sons of bitches felt vindicated, more sure of their decision than ever simply because I used the words “Fuck” and “You.” And because I was losing my shit.

  Rightly so! Who the hell wouldn’t if they were just found guilty of a murder they didn’t commit?

  Fuckheads with batons and guns had me, dragging me from court as I shouted, spittle spraying from my mouth. I think my arms were flailing, and I might’ve even hit one of them, and then I remembered something about the death sentence coming my way—or maybe it was life, I didn’t care. Neither one of them was acceptable considering the fact that I was innocent.

  The worst part? I knew the killer. Considering the fact that he was my brother, yeah, you could say I knew him quite well, though we’d drifted apart since he went off to the military. I’d been on my way back to the office when I saw Drew, ran over to ask what he was doing in town, and followed him into the bank.

  I scanned the room and spotted him lunging into the path of some girl as a larger man shot some sort of blast her way. My only thought at the time was that my brother was being the typical hero, and was going to die for it. Only, then he’d stepped forward and slammed is hand into the man’s chest, an act that had blasted the guy to bits. Or so we assumed, as there hadn’t been a shred of the man left. There might have been a flash of light, an image of a woman reaching
for Andrew before he vanished. It happened so fast, even I wasn’t sure I believed that part.

  There was no way I’d give him up in this, but it wasn’t just loyalty. Sure, I’d have my eyeballs pulled out and replaced with my balls before giving him up, because he was blood. But my refusal to rat him out also had to do with the fact that they’d tell me I was insane.

  Whatever had killed that other man, it hadn’t been a simple gun or bomb or whatever they were trying to say I’d used. I saw that blast of energy come from my brother and nearly pissed myself—okay, there was a trickle of piss for sure—and then he was gone. My brother was gone!

  One minute I was there, staring with a slack jaw and a bit of pee in my boxer-briefs, staring at my brother, and the next he was nowhere in sight and everyone was pointing at me, shouting, screaming, and it was chaos.

  And it had all led to this moment. This horrible nightmare that had resulted in days of court, eye-witnesses pointing at me and saying I’d done it, and me having no argument except for the truth.

  Truth, as it was clearly proven, didn’t mean a damn thing.

  If you’ve ever been sentenced to death, or life in prison, for a crime you didn’t commit, you’ll understand me when I say that what followed was all a blur. All I really remember was the hallway spinning, a pounding on the right side of my head, and multiple trips to the bathroom—mostly to vomit.