Supers - Ex Heroes Read online

Page 3

  “Back this way,” I said, pulling back the next door over, as we dove through into another open area with yet more walkways. As the robots charged I couldn’t help but wonder how many damn cells there were in this place.

  That could come later, though, because the damn robots had caught up, leaping toward us. One had managed to latch onto the woman’s tail, causing her to freak out, twisting and yelping, while the other one sprang at me.

  What else could I do but throw myself out of the way, right at the woman? My weight knocked her over and I landed on top of her, spinning to see the robot go flying over the side, much as the villain from earlier had done.

  My lady friend was under me, shouting, “Get it off, get it off!” and at first I thought she was talking about me, then I realized that the last robot was still on her tail, now using its sharp claws to climb toward her face.

  I lunged forward, grabbed it and spun, slamming its beak into the grating of the walkway. For a moment it struggled, but when it realized it was stuck, it froze like a statue and then the red vanished from its eyes.

  “She’s pulled back her energy from it,” the woman said, her voice strained, and I looked down to see that my weight was still entirely on top of her. It didn’t hit me to move yet, and she smiled. “You kind of sacrificed yourself for me. That doesn’t happen in a place like this.”

  “I’m not exactly from here,” I admitted and found myself staring into her beautiful green eyes.

  “Do you mind?”

  “Right, sorry.” I pushed up, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks as I realized that the motion had caused my hips to press against hers. Rolling off now, I ran my hands over my face, then hopped up.

  She lay there a moment longer, eyes moving along me. “You don’t look like you belong here, honestly.”

  “Should that be interpreted as a compliment, or…?”

  Her smile was playful, her lack of an answer annoying.

  “I… still never caught your name, you know,” I said, helping her to stand.

  “Charm,” she said with a wink, and then blew into my face. I wasn’t sure if I saw actual pink air coming at me, or just imagined it, but a moment later I was walking through a dark passage with no idea where I was going. Flashes of metal that twisted and moved around me, images of her ass… that tail… and then I blinked, and she was standing in front of me, staring at me. She snapped her fingers.

  “With me, hotshot?” she asked.

  I glanced around, taking in the room that was similar to the first one I’d arrived in but with a higher ceiling and windows near the top. It also had chairs, a bed, a sink, and toilet.

  “Charm…” I said, recalling the last thing she’d said to me.

  She nodded, then grinned. “It’s how I got my name.”

  “Oh, like as in you just charmed me.” My head was still foggy, but now it was all starting to fall into place.

  “Couldn’t have you seeing how to get into my secret lair,” she said with a wink. “Again, I’m going to ask this, because you really don’t seem to belong here. Who sent you?”

  She pushed against my chest so that I fell back into one of the chairs. It tilted back and I thought I was going to fall, but she caught me by the collar of my shirt, holding me there at a slight angle, leaning in close. So close, in fact, that I could smell the sweet, cherry scent of her breath. It reminded me of a hookah I’d once smoked, only without the cotton-mouth feeling that had followed. Those green eyes were moving back and forth from mine as if that would help her get the answers she needed.

  “Am I allowed to say?” I asked Xin.

  A silence followed, during which she stared at me like I was crazy.

  “I just demanded you tell me,” she said. “Of course you’re allowed. What? You’re weird.”

  “It’s just that… I mean—”

  “Don’t,” Xin said.

  Dammit. I stared, clenched my jaw, and said, “Why?”

  “Because I’m not going to help someone who won’t give me the answers!” she said, flabbergasted.

  “You mean me, I assume?” Xin said. “Sorry, stepped out for a bit—we have a few heroes in training, such as yourself, and I’m losing energy here, so trying to get them all spun up. Listen, you can’t rely on me. You probably don’t want to mention me, is what I meant, because most of the supers you meet will likely hate me, or at least assume I’m an enemy. So… yeah, I advise you keep it quiet for now.”

  All while he was talking, my eyes were moving across Charm’s face. I was trying to look thoughtful while also processing what Xin was telling me.

  “You’re not going to leave me, are you?” I asked, wondering if that could work for both of them.

  She leaned in, noticing when my eyes darted down to her perfect, perky breasts, and smiled. “Tell me who the fuck you are, and we’ll see.”

  “Yes,” came Xin’s response.

  “Wait, what?” I said.

  “I’ll check back in, and if you really need me I’ll be alerted, if I haven’t moved on from this world by that point. But yes, there’s not much more I can do here. Lamb’s essence will stay with you, but don’t worry, I was joking before. She’s basically passed it on to you, at least until you say you don’t want it anymore. So… good luck.”

  As his voice faded, I realized Charm had been talking too. Damn, it was hard dealing with two people when one didn’t know the other was present, in a sense.

  “…kick you in your fucking nutsack, you little prick,” she was saying, clearly having worked up a bit of a temper as I’d been apparently ignoring her. “You tell me what the hell I want to know right now, or so help me—”

  “Wait, wait,” I said, holding up my hands.

  Wrong move—she took it as a sign of aggression, letting the shirt go. My chair was still off balance and now fell back. I saw her ears, the ceiling, and then—crack! My head hit the ground, and I lay there moaning.

  Suddenly a hand was on my balls, but not in a pleasant way. She was squeezing as she knelt beside me.

  “One wrong word here, and they pop,” she said, and her other hand went to my throat.

  Oddly, this hot fox lady taking control like this, pinning me to the ground with a hand on my balls, turned me on. I felt my chest twitch and then the pressure in my pants, and her eyes went wide. She must’ve noticed, as she pulled back, releasing the grip on my nuts.

  “Sorry?” I said.

  “It was a threat, not me making a move,” she said, frowning. Her eyes, I noticed, had moved down to my crotch, and when I looked down I saw why. The clothes that Lamb had made for me, if you could call them that, apparently had no interest in hiding my bulge. Either she hadn’t ever dealt with this and hadn’t considered it, or thought it was funny. Perfect, I thought as I assumed it was the latter, supers with a sense of humor.

  “What exactly is happening right now?” she asked.

  “I’m apologizing,” I said, trying to ignore what was going on down there and the way her eyes kept staring. “We started off on the wrong foot. I’m from Earth, and all I know is I was on my way to prison for a crime I didn’t commit, when I almost died. Instead, I ended up in this crazy prison place, and I can’t explain it but I’m here to stop something terrible from happening.”

  “Right,” she said, and then poked my boner through my pants.

  I just stared at her, confused.

  “But this,” she said, poking it again. “What’s happening?”

  “I’m not following, but this—can you stop that?” She had poked it again and I moved away, more out of confusion than anything else.

  “It’s hard,” she said, looking at me with worry. “Is it supposed to do that?”

  “My… penis?” Saying it sounded so out of place.

  She blushed.

  “Sorry, hold on,” I said, pushing myself up to a sitting position against the far wall. “What exactly is happening here?”

  She gulped, glanced around, and said, “Can I see it?”
  “What the fuck? A second ago you were about to kill me. Sorry, maybe I’m still under your charm or something, but did you just ask if you could see my cock?”

  Her smile didn’t make sense, until she said, “Oh, my charm, great idea.” This time when she blew at me, the air was redder.

  All my worry seemed to go away, and suddenly I wasn’t looking at a crazy supervillain fox-lady—I was looking at the exact same lady but without inhibitions. Everything about her that had been alluring a moment ago was now amplified, and I could almost imagine my hands gripping her red uniform and tearing it off to expose her perfect breasts, and then burying my face in them.

  “Can I see it?” she said again.

  This time, I didn’t see any reason not to. Admittedly, my head was cloudy and I felt kind of drunk, for some reason. I stood, found that these biotech clothes worked like real ones, and pulled down my pants.


  Charm’s eyes went wide and her breathing deepened as she stared at my cock. Her chest rose and fell in a way that made my throbbing dick stiffen beyond belief.

  “This isn’t right,” she said, suddenly turning away and sucking in air so that the effect of her charm was pulled back from me. “It’s an abuse of my powers. I shouldn’t have.”

  A moment passed as my head cleared, and then I realized that I was standing there with my pants around my ankles, my massive erection exposed and pointed right at her. I quickly pulled up my pants and stared at her in shock.

  “What’s happening, here?” I asked.

  She looked at me sheepishly, bit her lip with a glance back at my crotch, and then sighed as she plopped back onto the side of the bed. “You must hate me.”

  “What? I don’t… I don’t even know you,” I protested. “Sure, you threatened to pop my nuts, then basically drugged me so that I exposed myself… all very weird… but I don’t hate you. Hell, at least you’re not charging after me with your head on fire.”

  “You met Drakonis?” she asked, suddenly fascinated. “Was it amazing? Was he like the legends say?”

  “It was, like, a brief instant of him trying to kill me,” I said, shaking my head. “Can we stay on topic here?”

  “Right.” She sighed, then laid back on the bed, filling me with a whole new set of fantasies that I quickly tried to push aside. “As I said, I’m Charm. There’s a lot about me you don’t know—”

  “Like everything,” I said.

  “Right. Well, here’s the quick version—went to the all-girl academy for superheroines, Supraline’s, since my parents gave me up at an early age. Guess they didn’t understand the ears and tail, go figure.” She glanced over at me, looking vulnerable. “Things happened, I ended up here. There you have it.”

  “Things happened.”

  “Yes,” she nodded, looking away. “Things happened.”

  “And… this?” I asked, pointing back at my crotch as I attempted to hide my massive boner.

  “You can take care of it if you want,” she said, gesturing to the sink.

  I laughed. “Excuse me?”

  “If you want, I’m just saying. Go ahead.”

  “I mean, no, I don’t need to…” It was bursting and my head was swimming with lack of blood, so maybe I did, but I wasn’t about to do that in front of some stranger. “What I’m trying to ask is WHAT THE FUCK?”

  “Oh.” She sat up, leaning over so that her forearms rested on her thighs. “I’d never, you know… and at the academy, nobody talks about it. I mean, the other girls did, but not so much to me. Not with the ‘Fox-freak.’ That’s what they called me, you know. I had friends but always felt one layer detached. So anyway, I knew about balls being a weakness—who doesn’t? Especially with a few fights here and there against boys in the streets over the years. The rest of it though… is news to me.”

  “Wow,” I said, running a hand through my thick, black hair. “Back home, I doubt there’s a woman who’d not know about… this.”

  “Thanks for making me feel even better.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Your turn,” she said, turning back to me now. “You still haven’t told me what you’re doing here, not exactly.”

  “I was hoping you could help me, or I could help you,” I admitted. “If I understand this correctly, there’s a supervillain who’s granted all of those imprisoned here freedom and power if they help him.”

  “And you want in on that?” she said, practically spitting with disgust.

  “No, I want to stop it.”

  She froze, contemplating me, and then smiled. “Me, too.”

  “So… you’re in?” I asked, unable to believe it.

  “More like you’re in,” she replied. “What do you think I was doing out there? I was trying to figure out my first move. I think we need allies, and I have just the woman in mind.”

  “Allies with supervillains,” I stated. “You’re sure?”

  “Everyone’s in here for a reason,” she replied. “Myself included. I think we can trust her—if we can convince her to join.”

  “Great!” I said, my excitement mixed with the fear of this actually happening. We were going to partner up to try and take down a space prison full of supervillains.

  “But before we go…” She eyed me, her mouth moving slightly as if she was trying to figure out how to say something, then she pointed at my crotch again. “You really should take care of that.”

  “They go away eventually,” I said, glancing around and feeling very awkward.

  “Maybe you should get pants that cover it up better?”

  “Not an option right now,” I admitted. She had a point though, as this thing didn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. Especially not with her staring at it.

  “Just… I won’t look.” She bit her lip again in that cute way she did, and I noticed her teeth were more pointed than most people’s. Scary… and for some reason, even more arousing. What the hell?

  I sighed, feeling very weird about the whole situation but agreeing that a nice release after all that stress felt right.

  “I don’t suppose we have any lotion?” I joked.

  She cocked her head, shrugged, and said, “What’s lotion?”

  “Just… never mind.”

  “You need some charm, to make it less awkward?” she asked.

  “Actually,” if I was going to do this, a bit of her charm couldn’t hurt.

  “You don’t want me to watch, do you?” she asked, hopeful.

  My first reaction was to say no, but then I said. “Give me the charm.”

  She smiled, leaped up, and blew red into my face. As soon as it hit all inhibitions were gone and I was a free man. I mean, my pants were off and I was free, my hand on my cock. For a moment I stood there, watching the excitement spread across her face, and then I realized this wasn’t right. It didn’t make sense. Maybe it was the charm talking, but I took several small steps over and said, “Do you want to try?”

  Her eyes went from excited, to horrified, to intrigued in the matter of a second. Her hand rose, slowly, then stopped an inch away from my cock, as if touching it would burn her.

  “You’re sure?” she said. “This doesn’t… I don’t know, lock us into marriage or anything?”

  I laughed. “No, it doesn’t. And I’d prefer it if you do it. Guys often do.” As far as I knew, the charm was working its magic. Words like that didn’t normally come out of me. I’d had my share of hookups, but I’d never before asked a girl to whack me off within ten minutes or so of meeting her. Judging by the lack of disgust on her face, she wasn’t offended, and that meant I had no reason to worry. In fact, the whole situation was turning me on even more, if possible.

  She licked her lips, then reached with one finger, gently caressing the side of my shaft. Her finger was kind of cold, making my back arch and my breaths come out heavier. After she reached the base, she took it with her whole hand, then held it, frowning.

  “Like this,” I said when I reali
zed she didn’t know what she was doing. Taking her hand in mine, I began to guide her, stroking up and down, faster and faster. After a moment, I took her other hand and had her cup my balls. Sure, in the back of my head I knew we had a bunch of supervillains to take down, but we were secure in this cell, better forming our bond.

  It was definitely the charm, I realized, but I didn’t care. I doubt I would’ve been brave enough to get her involved without it, and right now there was not much more I could think of that would be better. This prison place wasn’t so bad, so far.

  Warmth rose up in my calves and spread through me as my muscles tightened, then I felt pressure in my hips, my cock throbbing. Her eyes went wide again as she watched it grow to the point of exploding, and I tried to tell her to watch out, to move out of the way or grab a tissue, but it was too late.

  Yup, I got it all over her chest. She was clothed, but still.

  She sat there, watching a drop more seep out, and then looked down at the cum on her.

  “Wow,” she said, and then smiled up at me. “That was amazing!”


  She grinned, nodded enthusiastically, and said, “Now lick it off of me.”

  “The fuck?” I said, stepping back, my cock pulling free from her hand. “No way!”

  “Oh, I just assumed…”

  “No,” I insisted. “No amount of charm will ever make a guy, or a straight guy, anyway, okay with that.”

  “Okay,” she said with a laugh, and then wiped some from her chest and looked at it. “Kinda gooey. Smells like,” she sniffed it, “chlorine and… a hint of pineapple?”

  “You have pineapple here?” was all I could think to say.”

  She laughed. “Back home, yes. But not in prison.”

  “Maybe you should… wash up?”

  The charm was wearing off, and the craziness of what had just happened was only now starting to hit me. I certainly hoped Xin hadn’t been paying attention. Charm stood and went to the sink, starting to wipe water across her uniform to clean it, and after a moment she groaned and started pulling her top off.