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Supers_Ex Gods_A Sexy Romp Page 9
Supers_Ex Gods_A Sexy Romp Read online
Page 9
“Lamb…” I started, but what could I say. She knew I hadn’t been thinking, that I was an idiot. I had been so caught up in the moment. In a sense, it was like she had a handicap and I’d been incredibly insensitive about it. Her handicap was a strange one—she didn’t have a body, and was essentially dead, or dying.
A strange situation, for sure.
“Oh, there you are,” Navani said, entering. She froze, seeing me there with my dick out, and just stared, mouth open.
“I can explain,” I said.
She closed her mouth, and I thought she was going to yell at me, but instead, she just started laughing. She laughed, tried to stop, and then laughed some more.
“I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you,” I said, putting my cock away. “Guys don’t really like it when you laugh at seeing their dicks.”
“And I don’t know if I told you,” she said, holding back her laughter for a moment, “but usually we spar in our galaxy with our genitals concealed. But hey, whatever gets you off.” And then the laughing returned. She let it die down, chuckling and wiping her eyes, then motioned for me to follow her. “Come on, weirdo. We’re about to jump, and I thought you’d like to see this.”
On the ship’s bridge, Sacrada was strapped into one of the seats and glanced up at me, nodding with a look of interest. Navani looked at me with curiosity, then Sacrada, and her smile widened.
“I miss something here?” she asked.
“No,” Lamb’s voice came in as she appeared, walking past us. Not suspicious at all, I thought sarcastically. The other two didn’t seem to notice, however, as they were busy staring at each other—Sacrada with a glare, Navani with her knowing smile.
Lamb stopped at the display. “Approaching jump gate.”
Whatever we’d all been thinking, it didn’t matter when the gate came into view. I got the impression that Sacrada had never seen this type of gate either, because she was leaning forward, those beautiful golden eyes wide with excitement.
Ahead of us, forming between stars in space, was a bright, purple light. It was like someone had traced the lines to connect the images of several stars, and then cast some magic on it. I knew better. This was the result of one of their supers and his powers. The Elder they called Hadrian.
I couldn’t imagine what would be possible with the power to create gateways in the stars. If I could create a portal to anywhere in the universe, what would I be capable of? Thinking it through, however, I started to realize it might not be the best idea. Who knows if I might create a gate to a black hole or a random spot in space and suddenly die? Maybe end up on a planet of robot dinosaurs or mind-reading people who were half-robot spiders. That got me thinking, wondering if maybe this guy could only create gateways to places he’d been before.
Those thoughts all left my mind as we drew closer and the dazzling light enchanted me. I’d never seen anything like it.
“Try not to shit your pants,” Lamb said with a wink. The comment earned a roll of Sacrada’s eyes, though Navani laughed.
“Just get us there, and we’ll all promise to use the potty, mommy,” Navani countered.
“There’s a good girl.” Lamb grinned as the ship accelerated.
Moments later we were passing through the purple light, everything around us warping. Sound stopped, my head felt like it was being pulled in two directions at once. Then, in a blink of an eye, we were through. Just like that, we had shot through space.
And… it looked exactly the same.
“Did we… do it?
“Not a question men like to be asked,” Lamb said. “But yes, we’re in and already out.”
“Lamb!” Navani chided her, while Sacrada frowned. “We have company.”
“My apologies,” Lamb replied, giving me a wink.
“My sister was the demon to my angel,” Sacrada said. “I never liked the way she spoke, but hearing it from you certainly isn’t a shock.”
I gave her a sideways glance. Her type was likely to be the dirtiest once the doors were closed, and I’d already seen a different side of her, somewhat, in the dojo. My mind was racing with different versions of what she might really be like under the sheets.
The ship changed course, and I saw a planet ahead, an asteroid belt past it and bright stars beyond. No sign of the enemy yet, though.
“Where are they?” I asked.
“They’ve seen that, even when surrounded, we can outmaneuver them,” Navani explained. “My bet? They’re sticking true to their word, and Goros will be with his army at the ruins outside of Demekal.”
“Couldn’t we just nuke ‘em then?”
Lamb laughed. “I’ve heard of you Earthers and the legendary nukes. Got a spider? Nuke it. Some country causing your problems? Nuke it. Burrito?”
“Nuke it,” I said, wishing she hadn’t said burrito and filled my mind with images of guacamole seeping out of a greasy tortilla. “Still didn’t answer me, but I’ll take your mockery as a ‘no.’”
“You can imagine that superpowers have given our scientists the ability to create much stronger weapons than nukes.”
“Yeah,” Lamb turned to me with a proud smile, as if she’d been largely responsible for developing such weapons. For all I knew, she had. “Thing is, we aren’t equipped with anything that powerful, and if we were it would cause so many casualties—probably including taking out ourselves—that it wouldn’t be worth it.”
“And if we had nukes,” Navani chimed in, “they likely have detection systems in place, good defenses, and a fallback plan.”
“Goros will have his strongest warriors on the ground to take us down, but he probably left some ships off-planet, ready to move in and strike or get him out of there if there’s a problem. It’s what I would do, with a fleet like his.”
I nodded, getting it.
“But we have other issues to discuss, in the meantime,” Navani said, turning her chair to better see Sacrada.
“The prophecy again?” Sacrada said, glancing at me warily as if I were the one to come up with it. Come to think about it, what a genius move that would’ve been! Go back in time and tell a bunch of hotties that they would have to fuck me to create the savior so that they’d pick me up in their spaceship and ride me till I died of exhaustion.
“Not a prophecy,” Navani replied, exasperated. “Listen. It’s simple science. His parents carried the most powerful genes, genes that, according to our scientists, if mixed with the genes of our incredible mother, would do wonders. Create the strongest super to ever breathe air in this galaxy.”
“But there’s no guarantee he’d be a hero. He could just as easily go villain.”
“Not with our guidance!” Navani was seething. “You think I’d allow my child to go corrupt?”
“Your child now?”
Sacrada leaned in, fingers steepled under her chin. “So, what, you plan on raising this child no matter whose it is? You’d take my baby from me?”
“What, no! Or, yes.” Navani turned to Lamb for help, but she was wisely focusing on flying in a way that seemed more likely to be purposefully avoiding this conversation. With a sigh, Navani continued. “I’ve accepted it as my duty, should any of you be unable. I know you have your own lives and that this is a great burden.”
“But seven months wouldn’t be?”
“Ah, you mean nine?” I asked.
Lamb chuckled. “Silly Earther. Not here, not for supers—even the most mundane of us up here have accelerated development and nourishment, leading to pregnancies that only last seven months… as rare as pregnancies are.”
“You have to have some, or you wouldn’t have this sort of population,” I pointed out.
“Ah, of course. But don’t forget, long lives.”
“And most supers fuck like,” Sacrada turned to me, “as you say on Earth, fuck like bunnies. Even with the low chance of pregnancy, you take int
o account the fact that supers are going at it like five times a day when married, you can see how there would still be babies born from time to time.”
“Right,” Lamb agreed. “Chance of pregnancy is extremely low, that doesn’t mean actual pregnancies are so rare.”
“Well, interesting. Wait a sec, five times a day?” I tried to process that. At most, I think I’d done three times in a day, maybe four.
“After being married for a while, that’s right,” Navani said. “Before that, hell, I did ten in a day once. Granted, that’s when I had my troupe of supers, and we’d—”
“Whoa, whoa.” I held up my hands. “That’s not an image I want in my head. Not if we’re going to be… you know.”
“Ah, isn’t that cute,” Sacrada said, mocking me. “He thinks you’re like his girlfriend or something.”
“What? I didn’t say that.”
Navani gave me a curious glance, then turned back to Lamb. “How’re we looking?”
“Coming in fast,” Lamb said, rolling easily with the change in subject.
“Right.” Navani glanced back at us, pausing long enough that any of us could’ve brought the conversation back to where it had been. We let it slide, to my relief. “In that case, we should discuss strategy for once we arrive.”
“Charge in there and get my sister back,” Sacrada replied. “Where’s the debate?”
Navani nodded but held up a finger. “We’ll need help. If we had one more sister…”
“You’d leave Sakurai with this madman one second longer than necessary?”
“But if we might lose without Threed, then it might be necessary,” Navani countered.
“Threed?” Sacrada asked, and the look of horror in her eyes showed that wasn’t a good thing. “Oh, hell no. You can go fuck yourself.”
“And here I thought your sister was the crude one,” I said. “That mouth…”
“Fuck you, too!” she said, turning on me now. “Do you have any idea who this is they want to go after?”
I shook my head. “Another sister, no?”
“Yes, but the craziest of the bunch. Last time I saw her, she was on some discover her lineage trip and I tried to help her. Woke up one day with her trying to set me on fire! She said she was curious about my powers, wondered what would happen.”
“Wouldn’t you be okay?” I asked.
“That’s beside the point! And… no. Not if I was asleep and didn’t have time to process it and I ignited. I’m not immune to flames in my normal state.”
“Damn is right!” She stood now, pacing along the bridge. “I was staying with a man at the time, this really big guy, and the gentleman type, or so I thought.”
“She tried to seduce him?” I asked.
“No! I woke up with him in bed and he was still asleep, but she was there, slowly undoing his pants, carefully so as not to wake him. I was groggy, didn’t understand what was happening, and then she takes out his dick and puts it in her mouth!”
“What the fuck?” Navani was, it seemed, starting to understand that Threed wasn’t normal, though she sounded kinda fun to me. Not the fire part, of course. “What’d you do?”
“I watched until she made my man cum,” Sacrada said, deadpan.
“Really?” Lamb asked, also getting into it.
“NO!” Sacrada’s eyes lit up, her skin starting to glow too. “I kicked her in her fucking face. Of course, I forgot that she still had my man’s dick in her mouth. The pain caused her to bite down—not hard enough to do any lasting damage, but… he left me after that. After hiding in the corner like a timid little pussycat while Threed and I went at each other. Meaning, I beat the shit out of her. When she left, she acted like I was the one who’d done something wrong! Said there was no way we could be sisters, even from a different dad, and said she would never leave home again. Then told me my man’s dick tasted like peppermint and asked him if she could kiss it all better for him. The fucking nerve!”
“Dammmnnn,” I said, leaning back and trying my best not to imagine a woman biting down. Mood killer, for sure.
The other two stood there in silence for a long moment, until finally, Navani said, “The fact remains, she’s one of the sisters. We can’t rule her out of the mission, and she might be key to rescuing Sakurai.”
Sacrada stared at her, eyebrows raised, and then turned and stormed out of there.
“She didn’t finish the story,” Lamb said. “Did she say yes or no, about kissing it better?”
“No,” I said. “Just a hunch.”
“Where’s she going?” Navani asked. “Dammit. Dammit!”
“I’ll go after her I said,” standing to pursue.
“You want me to come?” Navani asked, then blushed at the look I gave her. “I guess I can’t call you a pervert, considering the circumstances. But I meant—”
“No, stay here. I got it.”
The hallway outside of the door was already empty, so I imagine Sacrada had taken off running. That meant she had energy she wanted to burn off. The dojo. I charged down the passages to it, then paused to catch my breath before moving to the sliding doors.
A blast of hot air hit me as they opened, and I stumbled back, throwing up my hands. Within, I saw Sacrada going at it, moving in what almost looked like a dance as she took down robots left and right. Her tight outfit clung to her, showing off taut muscles and her perfect ass, breasts bouncing slightly with each attack—as much as the outfit would allow. Her wings spread out, sunbursts blasting robots into their molten forms.
She continued like this for another minute, until there were none left. The metal started to reform but was too hot to do so.
Her eyes met mine, and the fire died off. “You…”
“I’m sorry. About your man.” I stepped toward the room, but it was still too hot, and I had to move back to the hall.
“He wasn’t good for me anyway,” she said.
“Not a good man?”
She laughed. “No, it isn’t that… it was…”
“Well, his, you know… it was just too big. Hurt like hell. And I mean every damn time. I kept thinking I’d learn to like it, that it would feel good eventually, but really it just hurt.”
“I don’t know if I want to hear this.”
“Because you think I’m one of your girlfriends, right?” she said, an eyebrow arching. “You’re going to get jealous if your girlfriend talks about some man she used to fuck?” Walking over to me, she kept on. “Let’s see if I got this right because I’m still trying to process it. Me, who every super alive would love to date, should give it up to you like that because my half-sister says so. And when I talk about some other man’s penis, that’s right, I said penis, you get all squirmy because in that twisted mind of yours, you’ve allowed that woman to convince you that I’m yours?”
“No,” I said, hating that there might be some truth to all that. “I came back here to see if you need to talk, if I can comfort you somehow.”
“Is that right?” She folded her arms. “Sure, take it out and let’s fuck. That’ll make me feel better, and we can accomplish our steps toward the prophecy, too.”
“Um, really?”
“NO!” she stood a couple of paces away from me, staring me down, then scoffed. “Damn, you’d really do it too, wouldn’t you? If I’d been serious, you would’ve done it. Just pulled it out right here and done me in the hallway. Nothing about that seems wrong to you?”
Whatever I’d been about to say was ruined by the fact that, for some reason, everything she was saying was causing me to get hard. As my boner started to show, she glanced down and snorted in derision.
“Point proven,” she said and started to walk off through the hallway that led up to the viewing deck. I hated myself for checking out her ass as she walked, but you don’t get a view like that every day. Plus, I quickly looked away.
Was she right about me? I had to hope not
… but maybe all of this mumbo-jumbo Navani kept throwing my way was changing me? When a man thinks about sex all of the time, it’s hard to change tracks mid-run.
“Sacrada,” I called after her.
She spun on me, hands on her hips. “What?”
“We’re going to rescue her. Whatever I can do to ensure that happens, I promise I’ll do. Okay?”
“Okay.” She waited to see if there was anything more to add.
“And… sex or no sex, prophecy be damned, I’m here for you.”
She blinked, considering me, and then said, “Thanks.”
Then she turned around and walked off. She needed some alone time, I got that. If this had been some crazy porno, I imagined the guy would’ve gone up there after her, only to find her completely naked. She’d tear off his clothes and jump his bones finally, the stars around them as they went at each other like the animals they were.
Only, this wasn’t one of those movies. I was a gentleman, and she needed her space.
I turned back down the hall and jumped with surprise. Navani stood there at the corner, leaning against the wall, watching me.
“That was… sweet,” she said.
“It’s true. I’m not here just to have sex with you all, even if that’s how you see me. I’m more than just cock and balls.”
“You’re right. You’re a nice guy, sorta.” She grinned. “But that part of you is nice too.”
“Says the woman who walked away without saying anything after we…”
“Fucked?” She nodded. “That’s all it was. What do you expect?”
“Maybe… and I hate myself for saying this, but maybe… maybe that’s not enough.”
“Don’t be a little girl about this.”
I frowned. “There’s so much wrong with what you just said. Regardless of what this makes me, I like emotions to be involved. Have I had meaningless sex? Of course. Women love a man in uniform. But being used, then discarded like I’m nobody? Some guys might kill for that opportunity, but I’m not one of them. Especially if you consider the fact that, at least while this is going on, you’re my only friends.”
“We’re friends now?”