Supers_Ex Gods_A Sexy Romp Read online

Page 14

  “You’re… sure about this?” I asked Navani.

  “Hell, I got mine,” she said. “And honestly, I’m still a bit sore. Go tear someone else up, will you.”

  I laughed and nodded, following Threed. An escape from the science talk was certainly welcome, and Threed wasn’t bad to look at. The woman’s tattoos were sexy as hell, but maybe a bit intimidating. It didn’t make sense—I’d slept with my fair share of female Marines. I liked my women tough. Maybe it was that this particular woman bordered on insane that worried me.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “Oh, you’ll love it,” Threed replied. She led me up some stairs, then around to a curving hall, and finally into a room to the right. The lighting was dark, but she’d lit a couple of scented candles—fresh rain, was my best guess, though I didn’t imagine they had that exact scent. There were large windows along the inner wall, looking in on a bath. We had cushions, couches, and even a bed.

  She reclined on one of the cushions, folding her legs like a lady, and looked at me. “You know, half of this is just for show.”

  “The house?”

  “No, silly.” She laughed a girly, playful giggle. “This persona, who I am. It’s all part of the act, baby.”

  “Oh, so you’re not really crazy.”

  “I am, definitely. But what I’m saying is I know I’m crazy, and I’m okay with it. As I accept it more, I get crazier. It’s a fun cycle. Problem is, I’m so often misjudged, mislabeled.”

  I wasn’t so sure of that. “Did you steal Sacrada’s man?”

  “Stealing isn’t really the right word.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Well, don’t you know who we are?” She uncrossed her legs, leaning in, eyes looking crazy again. “We’re gods.”

  “I don’t think that’s accurate.”

  “Ex-gods, to be precise,” she said. “Our parents were gods. We would’ve been gods, had it not all fallen apart. So, what, a god should limit herself to one mortal man? Another god should be able to claim these men?”

  “I’m sorry, but… you do know you were never actually a god, right? Or immortal?”

  She laughed, brushing her hand across my arm as she said, “You’re so silly.”

  It wasn’t an answer, not really. And yet, in spite of her craziness, or maybe kind of because of it, I found myself kinda liking her.

  “I’ve never really been the type to be with more than one woman at a time,” I admitted.

  She grinned. “I did. Three women once, actually, but just because some guy I really liked was watching. Turned out, he wanted the blonde. Always the fucking blonde. And no, it wasn’t Sacrada, as much fun as that would’ve been.”

  “And this? Now?” I shifted uncomfortably. “Are you going to be part of this, and still be off screwing around?”

  She laughed again, this time loud. “Honey, you’re so sweet. You want to be my boyfriend? I accept. We’ll all be your little girlfriends in this harem thingy. Harem Guardians of the Universe or some shit, right?” She shook her head, grinning, and I couldn’t tell if she was mocking me or really into it.

  She stood, stretching so that the light from the candles danced across her curves, playing with her cleavage and casting a dark shadow between her legs. An enticing view, for sure.

  “This is how you’ll seduce me?” I asked with a laugh. Hell, it was starting to work. She stood there with her curvy body silhouetted against the bright light beyond, and her smile seemed almost like that of a normal person.

  “Turn around,” she said, pulling me out of my seat. “Stand up and turn around.”

  Okay, back to her weird side. “I’m not super into any of that kinky stuff.”

  “Shut up and just… look behind you.”

  I did, turning to the windows, and then froze there, my breath caught. Walking out from beneath us, toward the waters, was Sacrada in a silk robe. She paused, looked around, and then slowly let the robe fall from her shoulders. Her bare backside was exposed, nothing but flesh. Her golden hair fell down to the middle of her back, just above the point where the curve of her hips started. Oh, that ass. It was definitely one worth writing home about.

  Threed stepped up behind me, wrapping her hands around to my chest, the other feeling my abs. “She won’t let you have her yet, will she.”

  “No,” I admitted.

  “But I will.” Threed’s hands moved along the inner lining of my pants, taunting me. “And she never has to know we were watching.”


  “Wrong?” She reached down, fingers playing with my hair, brushing against the base of my cock. “I know, it’s so, so… wrong.”

  As wrong as I knew it was, my eyes couldn’t leave the image of Sacrada, now at the edge of the bath, dipping her toe in. I saw that the other side of the wall had mirrors on it, and I figured that’s what she saw if she looked up at us.

  Sacrada lowered herself into the water, turning slightly so that I saw the outline of her breast, and then Threed was in, and hands were rubbing my hard cock, finding my balls, exploring me.

  “That’s more like it,” Threed said, and then she began undressing me. I started to turn to her, but she grinned and moved my face away again, saying, “Watch.”

  So I did, hands pressed up against the glass as Threed jacked me off from behind. Only, then she was on her knees in front of me, and I wanted to look at her.

  It was still somewhat dark in here, and the oddness of her eyes wasn’t noticeable. I ran a hand through her pink hair as she slid my cock into her mouth. Then, I don’t know if it was all the built-up tension or the fact that I was seeing Sacrada bathing at the same time, but as soon as her warm, moist mouth surrounded me, I couldn’t help myself. She stroked me once, twice, and then my legs felt like they were on fire, my balls pulling up as my abs clenched and my hips rocked back as I came.

  She tried to pull back, but it caught her on the cheek, cum dripping down her hand as she did her best to move out of the way and failing miserably. The final shot hit her on the forehead as she tried to go the other way to escape, and I was standing there, hands still pressed to the glass, her glaring up at me with cum all over her face.

  “The fuck?” she said.

  “At least you did a good job,” I said, trying to be helpful.

  “I know. I did a damn good job. Shit. Next time, why don’t you try and do your part?”

  Her eyes actually looked more let down than angry, as she stood, wiped it off, and then turned and walked away. I was left standing there, all by myself, staring down at Sacrada in the bath. The guilt of the situation hit me, and now in addition to being embarrassed about cumming too soon, I was left feeling like a peeping pervert.

  Down below, Threed appeared, walking to the baths, nude, and she gestured up toward me. Sacrada looked up, shrieked, and got out of the water, storming off. Oh no. Sure enough, when I looked up at what had been mirrors on the opposite side, I saw now windows.

  That crazy bitch had shut off the mirror side and shown me, standing like that staring down at Sacrada with a half-limp dick.

  Yeah, my chances with the woman were fading fast.

  All I could do was rub my head to try to fight off the headache that was starting to form, and wonder how I was going to explain this to Sacrada. Next on my plate would be dealing with Threed and getting her on my side.

  Since she was looking up at me and laughing, I wasn’t sure how easy that was going to be. Maybe if I gave her a good lay, the craziness would fade. Right now, though, she was the last thing I felt like doing.


  The mood was dark when I entered the grand foyer, where Navani and Sacrada sat, glaring at me.

  “Navani, can I have a word with Sacrada?” I asked.

  “I… think it’s safer if I stay here.”

  “Safer…?” A look at the expression on Sacrada’s face, and I saw what she meant. “Okay, here goes. I didn’t mean for that to happen. I didn’t plan—”
/>   “To invade my privacy like that?” Sacrada spat back, standing now and getting in my face. “You think because I let you lick my tits, you get to watch me bathe while you whack it like a horny teenager, you pervert.”

  “Shit.” I stared, unable to think of what else to say. “Shit.”

  “Do better,” Navani said. “Maybe the truth.”

  With a sigh, I told them what had happened. They stared up at me with a mixture of anger and amusement, and then finally Sacrada said, “Threed… I should’ve known. Still, you could’ve looked away.”

  “I could have,” I admitted. “I should have. You just don’t understand. Imagine you’re looking into the sky and the clouds open up, and there’s heaven in all its glory, and God warned you not to look, but it’s there, right in front of you. Heaven!”

  “Laying it on a bit thick,” Navani hissed.

  “Go on,” Sacrada said, holding up a hand.

  “I mean it, looking at you, at both of you… I mean, I was with attractive women back home, but you two are goddesses in my eyes. To think that Navani, you slept with me, wow! And Sacrada, when I saw you walk out there, my mind kept saying to look away, but my hormones and everything inside of me said I had to keep looking so that when the sight went away, I would never forget its beauty. I know, that sounds horrible, but—”

  “You might see it again,” Sacrada said with a tilt to her head.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Huh?” Navani chimed in.

  Sacrada allowed a smile at the corner of her lips. “Keep talking like that, we’ll see.”

  So she liked this idea of someone worshipping her, huh? I could certainly do that. I opened my mouth, but she stopped me.

  “After we save my sister,” she added.

  “Understood,” I said with a nod and grinned at Navani, who was giving me a proud smile. Somehow, I’d undone the damage Threed had caused.

  “Speak of the devil,” Sacrada said, her frown returning.

  Turning, I saw that Threed had just entered, wearing only her towel with her outfit slung over her shoulder. She tossed it to the ground and started drying right there, eyeing me, laughing.

  “This guy,” she said. “I’d say let’s have another go, but the owners of this house are right outside. Just saw them on the security cams, so… we should probably get going.”

  “Owners?” I asked, feeling a horrible sinking in my gut.

  “Threed, really?” Navani shook her head, while Sacrada stood and headed for a window.

  “She’s right,” Sacrada said. “It looks like quite a few of them, too, coming back from a party, maybe?”

  “What made you think it was mine?” Threed asked. “Did I explicitly say that? Pssh, I just came to a party here once or twice. Great place.”

  “Get dressed,” Navani commanded Threed. “We’re running out of here, and when this is all over, I’m going to slap the stupid out of you.”

  Threed licked her lips and stuck out her ass, giving it a little slap. “Right here, sugar.”

  We all ignored that, standing ready to be on our way. Lucky for us, Lamb reported in right then that she was ready if we needed to hightail it out of there. We certainly did.

  “Don’t attack them,” Navani said as we ran down the hall. “That’s an order! We’re in their house, and we’re heroes, dammit.”

  “Most of us,” Sacrada added with a glare in Threed’s direction.

  “Bite me.”

  “Oh, I just might.”

  I wasn’t sure if that came out right, but was more focused on the two supers who had just entered through the door in front of us. We retreated toward the rear of the house, where the hall took us toward the upper part, on a hill. Still, enemy was showing up outside, either tracing our location or simply more showing up.

  “Intruders, Wing B-5,” one of them shouted, and Navani cursed. Threed ran forward, there was a green flashing light, and then there were three of her, engaging in combat. Her replicas hit just as hard as she did, and soon she had one down, the other held in front of her. She reached back with a fist and pulled a green light from the air.

  “NO!” Navani shouted, lunging forward and throwing Threed off of him—the replicas vanished and the man stumbled forward before falling with a groan. “What did I just say?”

  “I’m not getting caught for your morals,” Threed replied, shoving her off.

  “Get us a way out of here,” Navani said to Sacrada. “And watch her. She tries anything, you have my permission to treat her like the villain she’s making me think she is.”

  “Villain?” Threed scoffed. “This far away from the Citadel, babe, it’s a fine line.”

  “Not anymore,” Navani replied, and joined me in watching as Sacrada flew down the hall, giving us space.

  That angel of a woman released her wings as a blinding light filled the passage, and we were forced to look away. Heat surged, and there was an explosion, followed by her shouting for us to hurry our asses.

  We took off after her, still seeing sunspots. She was out through the hole she had just made, directing her bright light at a group of supers below. A man thrust up and metal cables shot from his wrists to catch her, but she spun, wings cutting them down. The man below shouted in agony, as if his fingers had been severed.

  Navani helped me down, while Threed created replicas that took turns jumping down to high-risk areas and catching her, tossing her to the next replica, and then vanishing before they could fall, only to reappear below and help her down to the next. It was a very complicated game of falling leapfrog.

  When we reached the bottom, Navani turned to her. “Get another Sacrada up there to fend them off while we retreat.”

  “One of her is enough,” Threed replied, already sprinting off. “No thanks!”

  “Maybe Sacrada was right about her,” Navani said. We had no choice but to follow, and I certainly couldn’t argue. The fact was that this woman was certainly a loose cannon. More like a stick of dynamite about to blow, disguised to look like a cannon.

  I glanced back to see that Sacrada was now following but doing so in an arc around to our right as she tried to lead the two supers following her off course. The hole in the house behind us was substantial, and I had to wonder if that made us villains, to a certain degree. Maybe there was some wisdom in what Threed had said? We’d had to take down several guards—though at least we didn’t kill the ones who we hadn’t known to be on Ranger’s side. It’d been close, and that worried me.

  And now this.

  What the hell was I doing up here, I had to wonder for the billionth time. Here I was, running around like some sort of hero, while in reality, I was causing trouble and just trying to get my dick wet. Fuck.

  Wind flew around us as Lamb pulled the ship up nearby, and soon we were piling in. Shots from behind rang out, but the shields protected us. As she took off, she left the ramp open. Within thirty seconds or so, Sacrada came barreling in. Her wings folded in around her, but the gold glow didn’t die down. She marched over to Threed and punched her, hard, right across the jaw.

  Threed collapsed, instantly. She tried to stand up, stumbled, and then split into three again. Both of her replicas moved for Sacrada, but her focus was off and one faded out while Sacrada broke the neck of the second. It was strange, watching what could have been Threed as far as I knew… dying.

  At least that calmed Sacrada, and as she stared at the corpse that slowly faded away, she said, “Sorry, I didn’t… I… I lost control.”

  Threed—the real one—stared up at her, glaring, and tried to stand again but couldn’t. That must have been some punch. I definitely didn’t want to take sides, but couldn’t sit by and let an injured party of our team go unaided. Nobody said a word when I stepped forward and helped Threed to stand.

  “Come on, let’s get you a seat. Let this pass.”

  She wrapped her arms around me, letting me help her walk, and we started off toward the jungle room. It was calming, peaceful. The best pl
ace for something like this.

  “When she’s done, send her my way,” Navani called after me. “I need to have a talk with her.”

  “Roger that,” I said, and we went through the sliding doors to the next hallway. Soon we were entering the jungle room, and she looked around in awe, her red eye twitching slightly.

  “What is this place?” she asked.

  “Reminds me of what Earth supposedly used to look like,” I replied, lowering her to the simulated moss floor.

  She sat there, legs curled up to her chest, and stared at the moss. The expression in her face was out of place—sorrow, perhaps?

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “It’s all fucked up, isn’t it? I mean, I’m fucked up. Maybe it’s the replica thing, I don’t know, like splitting like that one too many times has messed with my head.” She looked up at me now, hopeful. “I’m trying though, or… I will. I will try.”


  “You believe me, don’t you?”

  I considered, then nodded. Whether I did or not, at least at this moment I wanted to. We needed her, and hell, we had a bit of a bond going already. The type of bond that comes from getting a blowjob, but still.

  “Is it true, about you… getting power from it?” she asked.

  I nodded. “As far as I know. It’s like I get a boost, depending on how much the activity sets off my hormones, but is still kind of a mystery.”

  “And we’re riding off to battle, I suppose?”

  I nodded again.

  “Well then.” She shrugged, not shy about looking me up and down. “Think you can last this time?”

  The proposition seemed so out of nowhere, I had to take a moment to follow, but then said, “We don’t have to. I mean, you’re going through a lot.”

  She allowed a smile—a genuine, not-so-crazy smile, and moved toward me on all fours. “Oh, believe me. I want to.”

  “You’re… sure?”

  She nodded, stopping to kneel in front of me. “Payday,” she said as she licked her lips, face inches from my crotch. Her mismatched eyes stared up at me as she unzipped my pants. Her other hand was already caressing my cock through my pants, so that when she pulled them down, along with my boxer-briefs, it reported for duty, ready to go.