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Supers_Ex Gods_A Sexy Romp Page 15
Supers_Ex Gods_A Sexy Romp Read online
Page 15
There was a hint of a smile on her face as she traced her lips with the tip of my cock, one hand gripping it by the base as her other ran along my ass. “Want more?” she said, and then she blinked, creating a copy of herself at my side.
Her replica immediately joined in, Threed moving out of the way but bringing my cock with her. When she engulfed it, I thought I was in heaven. Then her replica’s tongue met my balls. My stomach muscles clenched, a tingling worked its way up from my shins to my groin, and I had to bite my lip to keep from yelping in ecstasy.
“Oh, the big D can’t handle it?” Threed said teasingly, though it sounded muffled as she hadn’t taken my cock out of her mouth. Before I could answer, she started stroking it while moving her head up and down, the replica giggling and flicking her tongue across my balls.
“Shit, shit, I can’t,” I admitted. Maybe one day, but for now I pulled back, sighed, and grabbed Threed by the ass before hefting her up and onto a ridge nearby.
The waterfall drowned out noise, and the walls were thick enough, and we were mid-flight, so I doubted whether the other girls would hear. Not that they’d care. I needed to rest but couldn’t think about that at the moment. Right then, I needed to bring it like it had never been brought. So I squeezed her ass while she took my cock and guided it into her wet pussy.
It was tight, warm… home. Where I belonged. I slid in while bringing my lips to hers, pressing firmly and tasting her tongue, then moved my mouth to her neck while my hand that wasn’t on her ass found her breasts. We were moving, faster, faster… Another set of hands found my back, moving down to my ass and I jumped, startled, as a finger attempted to work its way down there.
“No, no,” I said, not ready for that yet. Someday, maybe? If I was drunk? A glance back showed me that Replica was pouting.
“You want me to get rid of her?” Threed asked. “Or maybe she wants company?”
I rolled my eyes, uncomfortable with what I assumed she wanted to do, but I said, “Fine.”
She grinned, blinked again as she wrapped her legs around me and pulled my hips toward her to get the rhythm started again.
“This is weird,” I heard myself say, but it wasn’t me—it was my replica, standing behind me with her replica, his cock (well, my cock) fully erect and more impressive than I’d ever realized when glancing down at myself.
“Did you…?” I asked, losing focus.
“Dear, honey, sugar,” she stared at me, frustrated. “I can only make exact copies. You really are that big.”
I glanced back, smiled, and said, “Damn.”
“Stop looking at my cock, er, me,” my replica said, and then we both laughed, and I turned back to focus on Threed. A second later, moans and yelps of satisfaction sounded from the other two, so I knew they were going at it. Threed was watching over my shoulder as I pushed up into her, our two bodies becoming one.
As tingles spread through my body, sweat formed on my chest, and I lost any awareness of what was going on around me. I didn’t give a shit if watching a very exaggerated version of a mirror of us turned her on.
Hell, it would probably turn me on too, if I could focus on anything at the moment aside from the amazing feeling of her tight pussy. My mind only had two thoughts running through it—damn, this felt good was the first. The second was the realization that this was only the beginning.
I was in for the weirdest, most amazing sex I’d ever had.
My energy was surging when we landed outside the ruins, so much so that I was the first out, eyes searching for someone to hit. Navani had her chat with Threed, but by that point, Threed was so satisfied that she was acting like a completely different person. Maybe that’s all it took to keep her from going into crazy zone—a good lay from time to time. Well, I’d do my part for the team.
“There,” Navani said, eyes on the far hill. “His ships are lined up, ready to blow us to shit if we’re stupid enough to go that way.”
“And since he knows about your power,” Sacrada pointed out, “he’s likely set up a trap that way, figuring we’d avoid the first.” She indicated an opening in the hills nearby.
Navani scanned the surrounding area, frowning. “Sacrada, you have some sort of sonar sensor?”
“Not exactly, but… similar.” Sacrada rose up in the air, hair blowing behind her as the gold returned and the circles of light emanated from her. When they returned, she frowned.
“You too?”
“What?” I asked, and Threed was glaring at them.
“They’re blocking sensors,” Navani explained. “It gives them away, but since they know that we already know they’re here, it doesn’t matter much to them that we know they’re here. What it means is we have no way of knowing how many of them there are.”
“We’ll have to do it the Marine Corps way then,” I said. “Run in there and blow everything up. Kill ‘em all, let God sort ‘em out.”
“Except for the whole situation with my sister,” Sacrada reminded us.
“On that note,” Threed said, and then pointed up to the sky past the hills. A large image appeared there, Sakurai lashed to a post with gleaming ropes, with Goros standing over her, leering at us.
“About damn time,” he said. “I was starting to consider draining her and seeing how long it would take. Maybe when we’re done here.”
Sacrada took a step forward, but Navani held up a hand. “He knows we’re here, doesn’t mean he knows our position. Don’t give him that.”
“Thing is,” Goros continued. “I’d like her to see you all die just as much as I’d like you to see her die. So let’s make this fun. You have one hour to get to her, but you won’t. You’ll all lose in your silly attempt to save her, and then I’ll bring you here, keep you alive just long enough to watch me bathe in your blood, in her blood… and especially in the blood of our new friend, the son of the great Apollo. Shall we, then.” He smiled up at the screen, then shot Sakurai full of his green electricity. She screamed, flickered out, and reappeared right where she’d been, sweating with the pain. “To show you I mean business, I’ll hit her with one of those every fifteen minutes. And her little power of resetting… I have it in check. This will be fun for all of us, I hope you agree.”
He walked off screen, leaving the image of Sakurai there, groaning, fighting off the pain.
“When we get to him, he’s mine,” Sacrada growled, fists clenched and eyes glowing brighter than I’d seen before.
“No arguments here,” I said.
“Why’re we wasting time chatting about it?” Threed chimed in, already moving forward. “I’ll scout.” She split into three, her replicas breaking off left and right. “When they’re done, I’ll simply dismiss them—they vanish when I say so.”
We followed the real Threed, moving for the tree line and then up the nearest hill. Halfway up, trees shifted to our left, and there was a shout that sounded like Threed. A piercing scream sounded, during which we saw in the distance a green-clad supervillain running along bent trees in pursuit of Threed’s replica. It was no good though, as the trees moved in on her and vines caught her, dragging her down to the ground, choking her off, cutting into her limbs.
“Don’t worry about her,” Threed hissed, though she was clearly being affected by it. Her face was pale, her hands clenching and unclenching. We darted on, unnoticed by the nature-controlling supers.
Navani gasped, pulled out her blaster, and then thought better of it. She whispered, “Move quietly,.” With a quick glance, she added, “Still have your hype?”
I moved my arms, feeling how responsive they were, how pumped full of energy they felt from my romp with Threed and nodded.
“Good, but… in case you need a bit more.” She grabbed me by the back of my head, pulled me in for a passionate kiss, and then said, “Go.”
The extra boost helped, and I felt unstoppable as I charged through the dense foliage, moving forward while angling to the right. As she’d guessed, there was a super, cr
ouched and waiting. He saw me a split second before my fist made impact, and I didn’t stop. I’d learned my lesson about hesitating back when fighting those stupid alligator mutations. This time, I capitalized on my combo skills and came in with a series of rapid punches to his gut—mini-uppercuts—that I knew wouldn’t do much to hurt him, but would charge up my attack. And when I grabbed him by the back of his head and pulled him in for a knee to the face, I almost felt sorry for the guy.
My knee made impact, his face splattered like mush, and I stepped back, gagging. That shit was disgusting.
“Try to be cleaner, next time,” a voice said, and I looked up to see a super hanging like a spider. She wore a tight black one-piece with a red cloak hanging open, eight eyes across her face, and spiderwebs tangling from her arms. Hack all that nastiness off of her, and she could’ve been hot.
Was I cursed, that even supers who were about to try and kill me got the attractive or not assessment? Eh, whatever.
Her webs shot out, starting to surround me, instantly draining the energy I’d stored up. We hadn’t much tested my abilities to turn powers back on their users yet, and in this case, it didn’t work. Maybe it only worked when it was related to non-solid projectiles, like fire and lasers?
At any rate, my shields weren’t doing a damn thing either. Probably because this wasn’t a projectile. It seemed she’d found a way around my defenses. Luckily for me, I had friends and had no problem being saved in moments like this. With a whistle to indicate I had problems, hoping they’d catch on, I threw myself to the ground to avoid being in the line of attack when they came.
What I didn’t count on was that they’d show up being pursued by several other supers who had, it seemed, found their location.
Sacrada threw an attack at the spider super, but she had a shield that blocked it. When more supers came from behind, Sacrada’s attention was diverted. My head was starting to spin, my mouth going dry. Navani was shielding herself and shooting with her expert precision, while Threed had reunited with her replica and were doing their damage against a man that resembled a walking bull.
I had an idea.
“Attack me!” I shouted at Sacrada. She frowned at me, cut through an enemy with her wings, and then did as I asked.
A little too eagerly, if you ask me. Her blast of sunburst shot at me, and I thought I was going to die in an instant, even screamed as the pain of being burned alive took hold—but only for a second, and then it was gone like it had never happened. But I felt it in my hands, saw them light up with red and gold energy, and then grabbed the webbing that held me there.
An inside route through her shields. It worked as I’d hoped, the flames and energy shooting up through the arachnid’s webbing, blasting her from the insides. The smoke came first, then her eyes melted—all eight of them—and then she fell from the tree as she burst into flames.
My flames died down, energy spent, and I tore the remaining strands of burnt webbing off. It had worked. I couldn’t believe it had worked!
Something hit me, and I spun to attack, but it was a good thing I was too weakened from the spider web. It was Navani, and she hit me again.
“Don’t ever fucking try that again, you hear me!” she shouted. “That was reckless, foolish—”
“Badass!” Threed shouted. “Totally makes me want to go down on him right now, right? You too?” She beamed, then charged past me and hit the bull-man in the throat as he’d been about to charge Navani. Green shot out from her fist and, as he tried to stand, still gasping for air, the green flew into him and he started writhing, screaming. At my look of curiosity, she said, “It’s like a mixture of poison and acid. Does wonders for cleaning mildew in tight spots.”
“Um, yes, sexy… very,” Navani said to me, composing herself. “But still, not cool. You scared me half to death.”
“Sorry,” I said. “But it worked.”
“Huh,” Sacrada said, lowering herself to our side. Apparently, this little group of supers was out of the picture. “I wasn’t sure myself.”
“And yet you did it?” Navani said. “Do I have to remind you all that we’re doomed without him and his seed?”
The rest of us cracked up at that, and I felt my energy returning to normal. “To be fair, there’s still my brother,” I pointed out. “Assuming he gets off of that prison ship.”
They seemed to consider that, when Threed came back, grabbed my package and licked my cheek. “Yup, tastes like sexy man.”
I suppressed a chill of excitement that ran up my spine, moved her hand aside, and said, “We might want to move. I’m guessing all that noise gave away our position.”
“Ah, just a quick blow job?” Threed said, pouting.
“No time,” Navani interjected. “I think she’s joking, but seriously, just in case… no time.”
Threed grinned and shrugged as she split again, bringing back the final replica. “We’ll never know, will we?”
They all three took off, going in different directions again. My hype was back somewhat from the energy rush of Threed grabbing me, and I had a feeling she knew exactly what she was doing there.
“You got this?” Navani asked, looking me over with worry.
“Actually,” I replied as we ran, pulling up my screen, “I reached another level. One more to five! Then I get some sort of celebration, or what?”
“Just shut up and use the skill point before we face any more of them.”
I went right away to the attack skill tree, selecting the first in a set of three—I did this one, even though it was only a simple chance of stunning my opponents’ skill, because of the one it would unlock for the next skill point. On level five, I’d be able to get one that could crack through an opponent’s shield, leaving them susceptible to projectile attacks.
As the upgrade went through, I nearly tripped on a root sticking up out of the ground and had to remind myself to watch where I was going. The screen went away, and I pulled out my blaster, wondering if I should also get some of the skills that related to shooting, soon. I’d always been a good shot, but that was with Marine Corps weapons. These blasters and whatnot were a different beast, and one of the skill branches had related to aim, thermal sight or night vision, and various other upgrades. It was weird thinking of myself as a super whose powers were mostly related to hand-to-hand combat and shooting, but hey, I wasn’t the typical super.
What really boggled my mind was what we’d discovered about my powers. If I took the fact that I could get lasting energy from something like sex, and could somewhat absorb another super’s powers by being targeted, what if I combined those two? Could I make the fire power I’d borrowed from Sacrada last longer, using it throughout?
That would have to wait though because we crested the hill and found ourselves at the edge of the maze of ruins, more hills and caverns, all leading through to the massive fortress at the center. Supers rose in the sky, preparing to bombard us with attacks as we worked our way through, and all I could think was that they were all dead meat.
We charged through a nearby grouping of trees just as a gust of wind whipped up a barrage of rocks and sticks and other debris at us. Two supers kept their distance, a third sweeping up close and shooting down a flurry of blades.
Navani threw her arm up and cast a shield, but two of the blades made it through, landing an inch from my foot.
“Watch it!” I shouted, leaping over them and heading for the point where the trees were thickest.
“I got this,” Sacrada said, as Threed ran up next to me, nudging me with her elbow.
“Wanna see something cool?” she asked. “I dismissed my replicas and… check it out.”
My response was a crazy look as I kept running, but when I glanced back I saw her eyes light up, and she made two copies of Sacrada so that they split off and started raining fire and brimstone down upon our opponents.
Sacrada shot her sunburst at the enemy, then shouted down, “Don’t ever fucking do that again
without my permission!”
“She’ll thank me when the enemy’s dead and her sister is saved,” Threed said, sprinting over to catch up with me. The look in her eyes wasn’t as certain as her voice, though. Above, the flying supers were quite occupied trying to deal with the three Sacradas, so that the rest of us were able to reach cover and then descend into a bit of a valley that led along the ridge of a hillside cliff. We hadn’t gone three steps when the rocks in front of us burst open, and a man forming into rocks appeared as the other supers flew overhead, giving him cover.
When he charged, I didn’t know what the fuck to do. Sliding sideways, I shot him with my blaster, but it didn’t do any good. Threed lunged forward to try tripping him, but her leg hit with a thud and it did no good. She cried out in pain as she held her injured leg while dancing about on the other.
Navani took the brunt of the attack, throwing up a purple shield that the rock-man slammed into, pushing her back. He rained down blow after blow until the shield shattered, forcing Navani to fall back with a grunt.
The rock-man lifted an arm to strike and I ran forward, figuring I had to do something. “Shoot me,” I told Threed as I ran.
“Just do it!” I replied, “I need my shield to break.”
She caught my blaster, and I didn’t linger to see if she understood. I leaped up slamming my fists into the rock-man. FUCK! That hurt. Each punch I gave him stung like hell, and by the fourth, I could feel an intense pain shooting up my arm. I heard something snap, but then with the fifth strike I caught him with my stun power.
He stumbled back, but it wasn’t enough.
“Now!” I shouted to Threed, and she unleashed on me as I charged the rock-man again.
“What’re you doing?!” Navani was up now, confused, but I held my hand up and shouted with rage. The fact that she was watching me, that I was defending her, it all processed in my mind and I felt a surge of the hype—it wasn’t only sexualized, I remembered. If this act of bravery and sacrifice while she watched somehow impacted on my hormones, that would do the trick.